Climate change is a pressing issue that affects every corner of the world. There are obvious reasons to care about stopping this trend. As global temperatures rise, the effects are becoming more clear.
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Ecological Stewardship — The 3 R’s to Save the Environment Are Here
Everyone agrees that ecological stewardship is a priority. In fact, it needs to be the highest priority for the government and business. Sadly, it is not. The original 3 r’s of environmental sustainability are not working. So, we propose an additional set of 3 r’s to augment the originals. The 3 r’s to save the environment are the foundation of a new strategy.
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How to Value Vacant Land and Undeveloped Land — The Value of Vacant Land
Learning how to value vacant land is more than a market calculation. Property is a limited resource; how we manage this resource has implications and consequences beyond its current market price.
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